Thursday, 16 July 2015

PDF⋙ Aircraft Construction Handbook by Thomas A Dickinson

Aircraft Construction Handbook by Thomas A Dickinson

Aircraft Construction Handbook

Aircraft Construction Handbook by Thomas A Dickinson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is a high quality facsimile of Aircraft Construction Handbook by Thomas A. Dickinson, originally published in 1943. Between the first page and the last page of this book you will find a complete and practical explanation of the process of constructing aircraft. The language is simple and can be easily understood by a person who has not had special training. There are photographs and diagrams every step of the way. At the end of the book is a dictionary of common and troublesome terms. The Setup of an Aircraft Plant: How it is laid out; how it operates; what qualifications a man should have for various kinds of work; where he will do best. Aerodynamics: Simple explanation of what makes a plane fly. Aircraft Types and Nomenclature: How planes are classified, as "PB," "PT," etc; the different types of wings; names of the parts of the plane. Aircraft Design Principles: How a plane is created for the purpose it is meant to perform; mock-up and lofting. Materials: Metal and other substances used; types of steels; aluminum; cadmium plating; heat treatment; plastics. Shop Practice: Blueprint reading; specifications; standard parts; bending allowances; use of tools, etc.; instruments; the right way and the wrong way. Assembly: Jigs and fixtures; riveting; causes of rivet rejection; welding. Inspection: Complete information on what the requirements are; how they are passed; reasons for rejection, etc. Appendix: Every conceivable kind of helpful table, chart, hint, etc., together with mathematical short cuts and other aids. Glossary: A complete index of the words and terms that are part of the aircraft worker's language. If there is a reference to a certain kind of rivet, that rivet is pictured on the spot. If a blueprint is discussed, a drawing is shown on the spot. This book is a godsend to any person who has not had all the special training he would like, or to a person who would like to brush up on his technical knowledge and increase his skill.

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