Comprehensive Intellectual Capital Management: Step-by-Step by Nermien Al-Ali
Comprehensive Intellectual Capital Management: Step-by-Step by Nermien Al-Ali PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Learn the fundamentals, practices and models of intellectual capital management with this essential resource. Providing a business-oriented, critical review of the definitions, practices, tools and models that are available today, its approach enables you to understand and retain the cutting-edge issues in the emerging field of intellectual capital management.- Includes a diagnostic tool that you can use to assess your position on the continuum of intellectual capital management and leverage your competitive advantage
- Provides plenty of real-life examples and case studies, including Dow Chemical and American Skandia
- Offers checklists for steps required for the three main processes of intellectual capital management: knowledge, innovation and intellectual property management . . . and more!
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