The Inner Palace: Mirrors of Psychospirituality in Divine and Sacred Wisdom-Traditions by Mitchell D. Ginsberg
The Inner Palace: Mirrors of Psychospirituality in Divine and Sacred Wisdom-Traditions by Mitchell D. Ginsberg PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Inner Palace interweaves philosophy, the phenomenology of religion, the psychology of spirituality, the history of ideas, and transpersonal psychotherapy. It investigates Wisdom Traditions from around the world and the sacred realities they reveal, including teachings with Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Taoist roots. Its discussions are grounded in primary sources from these traditions, with support from some 2,000 books, taking us into the underlying experiences that sages of these traditions invite us to contemplate and to apply to our own lives. There are valuable tools here that describe spiritual paths and mystical experiences, placing them in the context of a more inclusive vision that reflects some of the highest aspirations and the heart-felt insights of mankind.From reader reviews:
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